100 word response 1 reference/intext citation Due 7/3/2024


The Miami Gardens Police Athletic League (PAL) is dedicated to building a stronger, more united community by fostering positive relationships between local law enforcement and the youth the community serves. The mission of PAL is to develop tomorrow’s leaders through education, athletics, teen leadership programs, and community outreach, regardless of race, gender, socioeconomic background, sexual orientation, or any other factor (PAL, n.d.).

The PAL program is committed to creating a supportive, inclusive team environment where every child feels like family. Through mentorship, guidance, and gentle encouragement, PAL helps the youth achieve their unique potential. Their goal is to see every child succeed and thrive in all aspects of life.

The possible outcomes that are assessed and incorporated through the Miami Gardens PAL program include improving academic performance, which by providing educational support and resources, we aim to see participants improve their grades, attendance, and overall academic engagement. Next, PAL provides skills to enhancing leadership and life skills. Being that a team leader is considered to be an essential member of a team (Talmage-Rostron, 2024), the PAL program practices teen leadership programs and mentorship, that develops the confidence, resilience, and critical thinking skills necessary for our youth to become successful leaders in their communities. And allowing a stronger, more positive relationships with law enforcement by fostering interactions built on trust, respect, and mutual understanding. By understanding what role law enforcement actually plays in the community, it ensures effective collaboration with the public, especially the youth who has the ability to change the future they will grow into (Richey, n.d.).

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