Assignment #5: Final Research Report and E-Abstract

Due Dec 4 by 11:59pm
Points 30
Submitting a file upload
Attempts 0
Allowed Attempts 1
Available Nov 10 at 12am – Dec 4 at 11:59pm

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Research Report & Poster Presentation: Complete a summary (abstract) of the research that would
be placed before the background with 5 keywords in your topic. This assignment requires that you then
start each previous section of the review study. The purpose of this final draft is to provide an update
of what you have learned thus far regarding your topic. The final assignments are organized as a
research report. However, only include sections listed below (already completed) with the summary

Use this assignment guide to complete you research report with more robost reporting in all the sections
as needed. It is designed to keep you on track with completing the review study. All information should
be reported in APA format with up to date articles (from 2019 till date). Research report would be at
least double pages (12) including your tables on result section but excluding cover and reference
pages. Then Final Class Poster Presentation is on 12/04/2023.

Grading Criteria:

1. Research summary (abstract-250 pages) with key words (max 5) on the last line (1-page) —-30%
2. Research Background (3-5 pages)—10%
3. Research methods and data analysis (1-page)—–10%
4. Table Categorization (3/5 tables)—10%
5. Intellectual Discussion, limitations, future research & Conclusion (5-page)—–10%
6. References (All articles in text, APA format, not > 25 articles) —–10%
7. Poster Presentation—- 10% (12/04): Must dress professionally and virtual presentation of the

poster as assigned, 30 mins/student. Grading criteria include: poster prep with few selected
references (4%), name & topic introduction (2%). succinct/concise content (2%); attire &
timely chaos free presentation (2%).


8. Format, Grammar and Spelling—-10%


11/17/24, 9:48 PM Assignment #5: Final Research Report and E-Abstract Presentation


11/17/24, 9:48 PM Assignment #5: Final Research Report and E-Abstract Presentation


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