Attached – need to be done by tomorrow 5pm

Qualitative Research Proposal
[enter Title]
(Embedded tip: The title must be about the topic selected for this quarter.)

[add course prefix] 7860 – Survey of Research Methods

[enter learner name]

Assignment Instructions
(Please remove this slide prior to submission of your assignment.)

This assignment requires that you use what we have learned in class about the elements of a research study to create your own logical representation of a research plan/proposal in a short sentence outline form. The research topic you select should focus on the topic selected for this course. This power point template should be filled in with your proposal contents. Each slide in the template has a major heading that focuses on each research plan component. The major headings have subheadings that signal the main content areas where you will provide information to complete your research plan outline. Please do not remove the headings, as they give format to your research proposal outline. Be sure to propose a research project that is focused on the topic selected for this quarter to create a well-supported/well-cited qualitative research proposal outline. You may use the literature provided for previous assignments in this course, supportive research that you find in other peer-reviewed journal articles, and the course textbook to support your proposal.

Supplemental Instructions
(Please delete this slide before submission of your assignment).

This template has embedded tips for success and instructions for each component of the research proposal outline. Following these instructions is very important for your success on this assignment. Please:

Delete all embedded tips/instructions prior to submission of the assignment.

Do not delete headings and subheadings.

Use this power point deck as provided (don’t add colorful graphics, slides, sounds, or animation) as this is the traditional format for an academic presentation.

Include a minimum of four peer-reviewed journal articles as well as the textbook as sources for your proposal. Please do not use dissertations, websites, or presentations as source materials.


Statement of the Problem

Embedded tips for success (please remove them prior to submission): A problem statement is a short, clear explanation of the issue to be researched. It sets up the context, relevance and aims of the project. At least 2-3 citations should be included in this section with references listed on the final slide. This paragraphs should be at least 3-5 sentences.

Introduction, continued

Purpose of the Study

Embedded tips for success (please remove them prior to submission): This section describes what the study will do and should include a clear connection to the statement of the problem. This section is used to introduce your Research Question. One well written sentence should be sufficient for articulating the purpose of the study. Tips for articulating a purpose of the study statement for a qualitative research study is found in the Creswell and Creswell (2023) textbook on page 125 to help you formulate the purpose statement for your study.

Research Question

Embedded tips for success (please remove them prior to submission): The goal of the research question (RQ) is to frame it in a way that indicates the specific phenomenon or experience you want to examine/understand using the language of qualitative research. Assistance with wording for the qualitative research question can be found in the Creswell and Creswell (2023) textbook on page 147-148. Be sure to make sure your question doesn’t use “quantitative wording”. If you are concerned, reach out to the teaching team for guidance.


Philosophical Assumptions or worldview

Embedded tips for success (please remove them prior to submission): Discuss one of the worldviews that we discussed in Week 1 (Postpositivist worldview, constructivist worldview, transformative worldview, or pragmatic worldview) with cited support. Explain why that worldview best aligns with your proposed study. Cited support is required in this section of the proposal. This section should be at least 3-5 sentences in paragraph form.

Qualitative Design

Embedded tips for success (please remove them prior to submission): Choose one of the qualitative designs we have learned about this quarter (descriptive method, grounded theory, phenomenology, narrative, ethnography, generic qualitative inquiry, or case study). Discuss why the qualitative design best aligns with your proposed study, along with cited support. This paragraph should be at least 3-5 sentences in length.

Role of the researcher

Embedded tips for success (please remove them prior to submission): Discuss the role of the researcher, specifically for qualitative research. The role of the qualitative researcher is more than just “the instrument to collect data”. This paragraph should have cited support. It should be at least 3-5 sentences in length.

Procedures Continued

Data Collection Procedures

Embedded tips for success (please remove them prior to submission): This section should describe how data will be collected (interviews, focus groups, or/and observations). This section should also include how long procedures would take, how the procedures would be conducted (in-person/video call), etc. Cited support is required. This paragraph should be at least 3-5 sentences in length.

Data Analysis Procedures

Embedded tips for success (please remove them prior to submission): This paragraph should describe the type of analysis and steps of data analysis to be used (such as inductive thematic analysis). Cited support is required. The paragraph should be at least 3-5 sentences in length.

Strategies for Validating Findings

Embedded tips for success (please remove them prior to submission): Please look in your Creswell and Creswell textbook for these strategies. Cited support is required. This paragraph should be at least 3-5 sentences in length.

Procedures Continued

Population, sample, and participants

Embedded tips for success (please remove them prior to submission): This section should describe the population (the entire group that you want to draw conclusions about), describe the sample (the specific group within the greater population that you will collect data from), and describe the participants (who, how many, where from, etc.).

Anticipated Ethical Issues

Embedded tips for success (please remove them prior to submission): This paragraph or set of bullet points should explain your informed consent process, IRB approval, protection of the participants, etc. This section should have cited support and should be at least 3-5 sentences in length.

Expected Findings

Embedded tips for success (please remove them prior to submission): This section should include a robust paragraph explaining how findings from past peer-reviewed research studies that are similar to your proposed study lead to what you expect to find from your own data collection if the study was actually conducted. Do not use dissertations or websites as sources for your proposal. This section should have cited support from at least three other scholarly sources. The paragraph should be at least 4-5 sentences in length. Remember that this research is proposed. It hasn’t occurred yet, meaning all of the language of the proposal should be in future tense.


Embedded tips for success (please remove them prior to submission): Your outline of a research proposal should include a minimum of 4 references from published peer-reviewed research studies as well as the Creswell and Creswell textbook. The reference list should be in correct APA 7th Edition formatting. If you have a reference listed, a citation for that reference should be included somewhere in your research proposal outline. Please note that we do not deduct points for a missing hanging indentation because PowerPoint sometimes won’t ”hold” the indentation, but remember this is an important part of APA style. APA style and formatting is heavily weighted in this assignment. Look back at your previous assignments for reminders we’ve given in the feedback in your grade rubrics.

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