DIRECTIONS:This essay must adhere to the following guidelines:• *Seven-paragraphs ONLY + a separate Works Cited pageo 2 – introduction paragraphso 1 – summary paragrapho 3 – body paragraphso 1 – conclusion paragraph• Use MLA formatting and rules of citation (Arial 12-point font, ONLY; review other rules via The2021 Bedford St. Martin MLA Handbook or Chapter 22: pages 501 – 522, of your textbook—Everything’s An Argument with Readings)• Everyone is allowed to use ONE quote from the short story; use 2-cited sources from research(NO quotations allowed from Wikipedia, Blogs,, book reviews, social media, etc.)• Provide one-piece of evidence/quotation in each body paragraph, ONLY = a total of three quotesin this paper.Evidence iso a quote,o paraphrased information,o statistics,o If you are unsure whether a source is credible, discuss it with me before using it• Thesis statement must be an underlined, last sentence of the second introductionparagraph. If it is not, I will assume you did not create it, and 20-points will be deducted.• this essay must have an original title of your own creation• Must create a separate Works Cited page (last page of paper; must include a “page break”at end of conclusion paragraph to create a separate page• No title page allowed; use the MLA formatted heading2Paper TopicsThe purpose of this cultural analysis is to engage in a debate about a specific subject of publicinterest and concern. The reading assignment for this unit is the short story, Punishment, byRabindranath Tagore.• To create a cultural analysis argument about how sexism, gender bias, prejudice, bigotry,and/or patriarchal behavior has informed some aspect of how one understands andexperiences South Asian (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal) culture is vitally important tothe global society in which everyone co-exists.• The goal of this cultural analysis paper is to expand on the social, cultural, and emotionalaftermath of the lies Chidam told resulting in the death of Chandara.• This does not mean one had to visit these specific South Asian countries to experiencesexism, bias, prejudice, bigotry, or patriarchal behavior.• Witnessing, observing, being exposed to sexism, gender bias, prejudice, bigotry, orpatriarchal behavior, has a negative impact/effect on everyone, not just its victims.Regardless of the argument you embark upon, you must create a unique thesis statement. Theprimary objective of this argument/debate is to choose a position and prove it relative to its publicinterest and concern

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