Instructions: Respond to the following two discussion posts.

Travis P.

a. Which commandment did you choose and why?

Thy shall not have any other God’s before me, is the commandment I chose. I Chose it because it’s the most important of the commandments. God is a jealous God and He wants to be number one in our life.

a. Share how living out just one of the commandments impacted your life.

I try to live this out daily, by starting my day with prayer and praise and being mindful of God throughout the day. God knows we have to work, provide, etc, but He wants us to make time for Him.


I chose thou shall honor your father and mother. I chose this commandment because I connect with it because I have respect for my parents. I believe it’s an important commandment because it teaches us to respect our parents and to honor them. It shows that parents are an important part of the family dynamic, and they should be respected and cared for just as they care for others.

Living out this commandment has impacted my life by allowing me to show love and kindness and care for my parents. For instance, I communicate with them effectively and kindly and demonstrate love and affection. I think this shows the importance of honoring your father and your mother and I think following that commandment is one that shows respect for yourself and for others. I think it’s important because it allows you to illustrate kindness to others, and it also allows you to connect more with family.

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