Managing a group of students in the gym is not easy and takes a lot of practice.  The best way to get a feel for managing a physical education class is to see it in action. Your task in this section is to watch the video on classroom management in this section (see below).  It will give you a good idea what a master teacher managing his/her class might look like.  Next, write up a 2 page summary of what you observed in regards to management and discipline in the video and highlight the strategies you observed in yellow that are outlined in your reading assignment.  Post write-up to the assignment link by the due date. Please keep in mind that your task is not to “judge” the teacher, but merely to look for keys to successful management mentioned in your textbook and displayed in the video. Please be sure to reference the following points in your paper: 

  • Evidence of class procedures/routines, rules and consequences?
  • Type of communication style?
  • Leadership vs. friendship?
  • Types of feedback used?
  • Class organization?
  • Use of student names?
  • Use of equipment?
  • Teaching acceptable behavior?
  • Prompts for acceptable behavior?
  • Anything else?

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