MRU RED05 Reading Competency 5

Assignment 7: Parent Letter

Directions: For this assignment, you will design letter aimed to engage caregivers and families in their children’s reading development. The letter serves two purposes:

1. Communicate the meaning of reading assessment data with caregivers and families.

· The letter should provide an overview of reading assessments that are used to support students and drive instructional decisions. An overview of how stakeholders use the data must be provided.

2. Engage and support caregivers with reading development.

· Provide strategies, resources, and/or tools to support reading development. A minimum of two strategies should be provided along with grade-level appropriate print, non-print, multimedia, and digital text suggestions for supporting students with reading development.

Checklist for Letter

· Greeting

· Reading assessment used to drive instruction (2 minimum)

· Overview of how the data from assessments is used to drive classroom instruction

· At-home strategies, tools, or programs to support reading development (2 minimum)

· Grade level text suggestion (a minimum of 2 different kinds- print, multimedia, digital, or non-print)

· Closing

Assignment 6 Rubric

Reading Assessment and Data

Letter includes reading assessment and data used in the classroom. The letter details how the data is used to drive instructional practices.

5 points

Reading Strategies

Letter includes two strategies, tools, or programs that are grade level appropriate for supporting the development of reading.

2 points

Grade Level Suggestions

Grade level suggestions include a minimum of 2 different kinds- print, multimedia, digital, or non-print to support reading development.

2 points


Letter is well-written aimed to support stakeholders with reading development.

1 point

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