Open “Instruction – REL” file to see the instruction:



Assignment objective: To use an actual community or institutional conflict
involving religious differences in order to use knowledge acquired in this class and
apply critical thinking, problem-solving, and ethical decision-making skills to
address such a scenario.

Format: names, date, course on first page (no cover sheet); title centered; pages
numbered at the bottom; 12-point font; double-spaced; 1” margins; cite sources in
Endnote format; approximately 1200 words (include word-count); one paper per
group due as a Word.doc or PDF submission on Monday, Dec. 2nd by 10 p.m.

Levels of analysis:
(1)Describe the case.

a. What do you know? Summarize the essential elements of the case
for your intended audience, including the main issue of conflict, all the
relevant facts, and the key parties involved.
b. What is the context? Identify relevant information about the time
and place of the case.

(2)Analyze the case.
a. What are the social/cultural and religious dimensions of the
case? Explore the social/cultural/religious identities of the main parties
involved in the conflict or challenge.
b. What is “at stake”? Present the perspective from each party in the
case in terms of what they are advocating and why. Further, identify
the impact of the case conflict on the larger community.
c. What are the possible outcomes of the situation, if it is not
addressed and resolved? Explain how and why this case needs to
be resolved in a fair and practical way.

(3)Recommend possible solutions.
a. What would you do or recommend be done in this specific
situation, esp. if you are in a position of leadership?
b. What are the interfaith dimensions of this case? Articulate the
interfaith knowledge and practices that your group brought to bear in
evaluating and proposing solutions for your case.
c. What are the larger lessons of this case? Conclude your paper
with a summative statement of what the conflict or challenge and its
resolution demonstrate about the benefits (and/or limitations) of
interfaith engagement.

Paper elements:
(1) A narrative account of the case—a thorough articulation of the facts leading
up to and surrounding the conflict, with particular attention to its religious
(2) Supporting or background information necessary to properly understand the
conflict—including the social and cultural context of the conflict, the key
actors/groups involved, and sympathetic representations of their views.
(3) An analysis of the conflict and how best to approach it, either for resolution or
for a satisfactory way forward in its aftermath. See “Levels of analysis” above.
(4) A closing paragraph of reflections on what how your case study has helped
you to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills and to demonstrate
an ethical decision-making process informed by interfaith principles and
(5) Works cited page.



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