Review rubric and document 

6/13/24, 5:56 PMRubric Assessment – CSIA 300 6982 Cybersecurity for Leaders and Managers (2245) – UMGC Learning Management System

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Discussion Rubric CSIA
Course: CSIA 300 6982 Cybersecurity for Leaders and Managers (2245)


Overall Score

Criteria Exceeds Meets Needs Improvement Does Not Meet Criterion Score

Quality of the Initial

Post: Expresses

coherent, well-

reasoned thinking as

supported by evidence

included in the

discussion post.

Accuracy: Specifically

addresses topics and/or

questions in the

discussion instructions.

/ 15

Quality and frequency

of interactions:

Responses in the 2

replies are substantive

and add value and

advance the


/ 15

Timeliness: Posts initial

response by before

Sunday at 11:59 PM ET

and additional critiques

and follow-up

responses by Tuesday

at 11:59 ET.

/ 10

15 points

Posts a complete, and

coherent initial response

to the discussion prompt

that fully addresses all

the elements of the

discussion topic or


Posts ideas that address

assigned topics and/or

questions and

demonstrates a creative


10 points

Posts a somewhat

coherent response to the

initial discussion topic,

but the response is

missing major points.

5 points

Covers some aspects of

the question(s) posed,

thoughts are mostly

clearly expressed or well

thought-out, but not all.

May contain some helpful

follow-through. Missing

attribution to the text or

sources where


0 points

Did not post or


concepts or facts related

to course content. Did

not present a discernible

or reasonable logic.

15 points

Respectfully responds to

peers and/or instructor in

a timely fashion and adds

value to the conversation

by providing constructive

feedback, asking follow-

up questions, and

presenting thoughtful,

reflective comments.

Posts are timely and meet

expectations for the

frequency of posts.

10 points

Responds to a fellow

student, adding some

value to the discussion.

5 points

Peer responses have

some or minimal relevant

content, and/or are off-

topic, and/or contain(s)

no relevant information.

0 points

Does not post a response

to the topic assignment.

10 points

Posts complete and

timely responses to the

discussion topic or


7 points

May miss set deadlines or

lack a sufficient number

of posts.

3 points

Did not post or respond

during the time period


0 points

Did not post and did not

respond during the time

period allowed.

40 points minimum

30 points minimum

Needs Improvement
20 points minimum

Does not meet
0 points minimum

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