This assignment is about unions and labor contract agreements. The written agreement is a key element to the understanding of how actions and activities take place in the workplace. Often, however, there are differences in opinion between management and labor. View the following humorous video that shows the importance of ongoing communications and that the contract agreement alone sometimes does not tell the whole story:

Seven Dimensions (2016). Unions and collective bargaining. [Alexander Street Video]. Retrieved from Trident Online Library, Academic Video Online.

Use these steps to navigate to the video in the Trident Online Library:

· Under Online Library, click ADDITIONAL LIBRARY RESOURCES.

· Scroll down to Academic Video Online.

· Click on Academic Video Online.

· Search for the video by pasting its title in the search bar.

In this Case Assignment we will look at actual labor contracts to experience the content and detail involved.

Go to the following source:

OPM. (n.d.). 

Collective bargaining agreements

The emphasis is on how to represent information in table form and to draw your own conclusions from the data presented.

Case Assignment

Select two labor contracts, each representing a different industry group. Discuss (in your own words):

· How the two contract sections on 
employee grievance handling differ and are the same (paying close attention to the definition of “grievance”; grievance processing steps, mediation and/or arbitration and other important topics in the clause).

· Compare and contrast their 
employee discipline/discharge clauses.

· Summarize by bringing in your module readings and/or library research to discuss the impact grievance handling might have on employee relations.

at least 3 library sources to help strengthen your discussion.

Half of your paper should be a table or tables, and half a discussion of your conclusions drawn from the tables you present. Paper length: 
4–5 pages, not counting cover and reference pages. Please upload your paper by the module due date.

Assignment Expectations

Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues and HRM actions, drawing on your background reading and research.

Information Literacy: Evaluate resources and select only library/Web-based resources that provide reliable, substantiated information.

Give authors credit for their work. Cite sources of borrowed information in the body of your text as footnotes or numbered end notes, or use APA style of referencing.

Prepare a paper that is professionally presented (including a cover page, a list of references, headings/subheadings, and a strong introduction and conclusion). Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling, and word-usage errors.

Citation and reference style instructions are available at Trident University’s Introduction to 

APA Style, 7th edition

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