To begin Reading Discussion 4, read pages 7-18 of Rosina Lippi-Green’s essay “English with an Accent.” Actions The first page of the text is page 7 because

To begin Reading Discussion 4, read pages 7-18 of Rosina Lippi-Green’s essay “English with an Accent.” Actions The first page of the text is page 7 because it is the first chaper of a book. The reading is challenging, but Lippi-Green’s examples and bold headings will make it easier to understand. For your first post, summarize your understanding […]

“In what ways does society influence our daily experience of gender?”Make photographs throughout the week that you feel provide a visual answer to the

“In what ways does society influence our daily experience of gender?” Make photographs throughout the week that you feel provide a visual answer to the question: “In what ways does society influence our daily experience of gender? Do your best to make sure the photographs are easily readable and are in focus. Please do not post pictures you find on the […]

ASSIGNMENT 3: Reflecting on Gender, Art, & Culture3 questions. 75-100 words min per response. 3 references to the texts (at least 1 reference per

ASSIGNMENT 3: Reflecting on Gender, Art, & Culture 3 questions. 75-100 words min per response. 3 references to the texts (at least 1 reference per response.) Follow the guidelines for references from the MLA. Include page numbers or a time stamp (if referencing a video.) Instructions Respond to the 3 reflection prompts provided below. Utilize references from both […]

The assignment for Essay 1 is now available. Read the assignment, along with the Early Stages Of Essay 1 lecture. Using your understanding of the essay

The assignment for Essay 1 is now available. Read the assignment, along with the Early Stages Of Essay 1 lecture. Using your understanding of the essay assignment, choose a single text (reading, image, photo, ad) from anywhere and write an analytical paragraph on that text. Select a text that you think you might want to write Essay 1 on. […]

1. Provide an initial analysis about the artwork. Create a bulleted list of the below terms and include your interpretations of these terms as they relate

1. Provide an initial analysis about the artwork. Create a bulleted list of the below terms and include your interpretations of these terms as they relate to the below artwork (250 words total minimum for entire submission, you must use these terms in your submission.) Subject Matter: Refers to the persons, objects , places, and events in a work of […]