COM 2301-21.02.01-5B24-S1, Professional CommunicationUnit VII AssignmentUnit VII AssignmentAssignment Content
For this assignment, you are an employee who is experiencing a global workplace issue. This issue may be a current issue you are facing, a past issue, or a hypothetical issue. Design a plan to resolve this global workplace issue.
In this formal plan, include the following information. Use these subheadings to organize your plan.
- Introduction
- Description of workplace and your role/job at the global workplace (half-page)
- Workplace Issue (one page)
- Identify the issue (ethical, technological, cross-cultural or a combination of two or more).
- Explain how this issue has caused a communication breakdown between employees, employees and supervisor, or employee and workplace.
- Issue Resolution (minimum two pages)
- Communication Concepts
- Identify two communication concepts from this course that would help resolve this issue.
- Explain how each of these concepts would create stronger communication between employees, employees and supervisor, or employee and workplace.
- Codes of Conduct
- Suggest two codes of conduct that would help resolve this issue.
- Explain how each of these codes would create a more ethical workplace.
- Communication Concepts
- Reflection (one page)
- Review your plan. Answer: How have changing technologies impacted this workplace issue? Did these technologies help or hinder resolution of the workplace issue? How so?
Your completed assignment must be at least four pages in length. Two references are required, and they must be cited and referenced in APA Style.
Tagged Communications