Operational Excellence

Week 2 Assignment

information Systems for Business and Beyond Questions

· Chapter 2 – study questions 1-10, Exercise 2     

Information Technology and Organizational Learning Questions

· Chapter 2 – Note why the IT organizational structure is an important concept to understand.  Also, note the role of IT in the overall business strategy.

The above submission should be one page in length and adhere to APA formatting standards.

**Remember the page length does not include the APA cover page or any references**

Note the first assignment should be in one section and the second section should have the information from the Information Technology and Organizational Learning assignment.  The paper requirements for the two-pages applies to the second part of the assignment directly related to the Information Technology and Organizational Learning assignment.

Text book (attached)

Title: Information Technology and Organizational Learning

ISBN: 9781351387583

Authors: Arthur M. Langer

Publisher: CRC Press

Publication Date: 2017-10-17

Edition: 3rd ED.

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